Alter ego game forum
Alter ego game forum

alter ego game forum

Or perhaps I could go for something completely off-the-wall and make the angriest, burliest, heroinest bastard I could. Like, go as eggheaded as possible and become the world's most renowned brain surgeon. What if I had? Be myself, but take a path I'd forsaken? No, I wanted to do something more colorful. Or, I'm a chef in real life - I never finished college. I'm gonna be Egypt, and I'm gonna grab enough defensive techs to survive, go for a choice wonder or two (or six), and shoot for a tech victory, and I'm gonna win, dammit. When I sit down to play Civ, I've already got an idea in mind of how the game is going to go. I went into the whole affair with a game plan, of course. If anyone here gives it a shot, I'd be interested in hearing about your own experiences and thoughts on the game. I just had to write it down, the game has me so pumped at the moment. I'll spoiler a summary of my own playthrough below, if you want to read about it. But regardless, just playing a man - a single man, and his single life - was. I like the grand strategy of Civilization/Master of Orion type things, deciding the fate of entire nations, conquering worlds, inflicting my will as a driving force throughout millennia. I heartily suggest giving it a try, even if this kind of thing isn't typically your cup of tea. A full play-through only takes a few hours, so its not a huge time investment. It's mostly self-explanatory, and you can get the hang of it very quickly. You can play it for free from your browser here. There isn't much in the way of micro-managing, just a lot of "Important Event -> Make Important Decision -> Your Character is Modified". You play your life from a few moments before birth, making decisions, having experiences, taking risks and so on. I wouldn't call it similar to things like the Sims, but if you like that kind of game, you may also like this. It's a life-simulator of sorts, done entirely through text, similar to games such as the Kudos series, if you've heard of that. This is an old game, but one with a concept that doesn't necessarily require a lot of computing power.

Alter ego game forum